Adult Ministries


The men at Faith are active in the ministry and involved in fellowship.  There are men’s prayer breakfasts.  We go see a sporting event with one of Milwaukee’s professional teams from time to time.  All of our activities are designed to help our men draw closer to the Lord and closer to each other.


The ladies at Faith have a full schedule.  There is a Mothers Day activity, a ladies retreat every summer, and Bible studies.  Like our men’s activities, the ladies activities are designed to draw each lady closer to the Lord and closer to the other ladies.


Our Young at Heart group has regularly scheduled events.  These events include sightseeing trips, going out for lunch, and ministry opportunities.


Every year our church has activities planned for the entire family.  Every fall we have a fish boil with a day of events from horse shoes to volley ball, gator rides, and more.  Several times a year we have pot luck fellowships after the morning service.  Around Thanksgiving we have a pie and praise service.  Our desire is to grow strong families and a close church family.